Sharefaith Connect: Embed Calendar on your Sharefaith Website

Using Your ChMS, you can embed one or more calendars into your Sharefaith website. Not only is this a great way to publicize your events, but it also reduces or eliminates the need to manage multiple calendars in your church. Additionally, using this method allows you to put calendar events in a public setting, without requiring the viewer to have a username/password.


Embedding Process

Only calendar views can be embedded into a website. There are two steps:

  1. Get the HTML code to embed your chosen calendar view (instructions below).
  2. Paste this code into your Sharefaith website. If you are using one of our Sidekick templates, please follow this guide here, How to Add an Embed Code but if you are using an Elementor template please follow this guide, Elementor HTML Widget.

How to get the HTML embed code

  1. Within Your ChMS, be sure you are viewing the calendar by using the 9 dot menu in the upper right corner.
  2. In the lower left corner, click on Views and find which one applies the filters you want to place on your website.
  3. Click the Settings icon next to the view, which will launch the Edit View window. See the example screenshot below. In this window, you'll see a field named "Website Embed Code". You will want to copy EVERYTHING inside this field, then paste it into your Website using the steps above.



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