Sharefaith Membership and Billing: How to Renew Your Sharefaith Membership

This tutorial is going to cover how to renew your Sharefaith membership. Whenever you renew your membership early, it will add an extra full year of membership to your existing expiration date. For instance, if your membership renewal date is on May 25th, 2022 and you renew your membership early on January 5th, 2022, your renewal date would become May 25th, 2023, because a renewal adds a full year of membership after your current renewal date.


How to renew your Sharefaith membership.

  1. Login to using your member email address and password.

  2. Click on "Membership & Billing".

  3. Click the "Account View" button.

  4. Click the "Renew My Account!" button.


  5. For security reasons, you will be prompted to re-enter your Email [1] and your Password [2]. If you have a coupon code [3], you can also enter that. Then click to continue.

  6. On your renewal purchase screen, you will see your total [1] at the top right. Confirm that it is the correct total, then fill out the required information [2]. Click the radial buttons [3] to authorize the transaction and agree to the automatic renewal. Below those, it will confirm, once again, the total charge as well as give you the new date of renewal [4]. Finally, click on "Renew My Account," [5], and you are done.



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