How to Change Your Username and Password

If you need to update the username and/or password for your Sharefaith membership, follow these quick instructions and you will be done in no time!


To reset a lost or forgotten password, please go to our tutorial: Sharefaith Membership and Billing: How to Reset Your Password


How to update your username and password.

  1. Login to using your member email address and your password.

  2. Click on "Membership & Billing".

  3. Click the "Account View" button.

  4. Click the "Review Account Info" link.


  5. Click on the "edit my login information" button.

  6. Fill out each area completely. Update your email (main username) address [1] (if needed). Enter your old password. [2] Enter your new password, [3] then enter it again. [4] Finally, click the "update" button. [5]



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