Church Websites (Elementor): Widgets: Prayer Cloud

What is Prayer Cloud?


Typically, a user visits your website for their own personal reasons. They may listen to a sermon, find out the service times, or see what upcoming events may be in your church's future. Why can't your website be a place where your congregants can interact and intercede on each other's behalf?


That's where Prayer Cloud comes in! With the Sharefaith Prayer Cloud plugin, you can add a prayer wall to any page of your website where visitors can not only post prayers (anonymously if preferred) but can also click on posted prayers (much like a Facebook "like") to indicate that they've personally prayed for that request.


We all know there is power in prayer! With Prayer Cloud being accessible on your website and getting those prayers out there to your prayer warriors (you know who they are!), who knows what mountains will be moved within your ministry and the lives of your people!


How to Create a Prayer Wall




The Prayer Cloud widget is available within the Widgets Panel of the website builder. Simply drag and drop it into an empty section or column to insert it as you see fit.


Once your Prayer Wall has been added, simply click Update at the bottom of the Elementor Widget Panel to save your changes.

Submitting Prayers


Your visitors will be able to click the "Create prayer request" button on your prayer wall and fill out the form that appears to submit their prayers.



If you wish to enter prayers on behalf of an individual, from the Dashboard simply hover over Prayers Add Prayer



You can also click on the Create New Prayer button in the Prayer Cloud Menu to manually enter a prayer yourself.


Once a prayer has been approved (see below), it will display on your Prayer Wall like so:



Note: If a prayer is submitted anonymously, the user's name and email will not be collected or displayed, though they can still elect to receive email notifications when someone prays for their request.


Managing Prayers


All submitted prayers are located and stored within the Prayers area of your WordPress Dashboard.



Here, you can view all submitted prayers, their Status, their Creation Date, and how many times they've been Prayed For





  1. To view the details of your prayers, simply click on the prayer's title.

  2. Click on a prayer's yellow or green approval status button to easily alter its status from Unapproved to Approved and vice-versa.

  3. Click on theicon to delete any unwanted prayers


Prayer Cloud Settings


You can manage your ministry's Prayer Wall settings by navigating to the WordPress Dashboard, hovering over Prayers, and clicking on Settings.



Your Ministry


  1. Church Name: This name will be displayed in Prayer Request notification emails

  2. Zip Code: Used for time zones




  1. You can toggle which WordPress admins (must have a role of Contributor or higher) will receive notifications when prayers are submitted




  1. Click the Design tab to view and customize your Prayer Walls aesthetic to your liking

  2. Click the Prayer Settings tab to control the number of prayers displayed per page on your prayer wall, hide/show the "Create prayer request" button on your wall, or toggle Allow Sharing feature to show/hide the Share dropdown on each prayer request.



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