Discover how to create a separator page that does not show up in your Navigation Menu but still shows up in your main Parallax view.
You will first need to view this tutorial: Church Websites: Parallax: Create a New Page
Discover how to create a separator page that does not show up in your Navigation Menu but still shows up in your main Parallax view.
You will first need to view this tutorial: Church Websites: Parallax: Create a New Page
<%= block.description %>
<% } %>empty
<% } %> <% var labels = "a_label".split(',').map(function(label) { return label.trim(); }).filter(function(label) { return label; }); %> <% var articlesWithLabels = articles.filter(function(article) { return Util.intersection(article['label_names'], labels).length; }) %> <% if (articlesWithLabels.length) { %>