Church Websites (Sidekick): Page Editing: How to Paste Without Formatting & Clear Formatting

When you are copying and pasting information from another website or email onto your Sharefaith website, pasting without formatting is a huge time saver!


The easiest way to paste without formatting is to use "hot key" combinations.


For the PC use:


For the Mac use:


If you do not wish to use those "Hot Key" combinations you can utilize the following steps.


Pasting without formatting:


  1. Click on the "More" button.

  2. Then click on the  "Paste as Text" (clipboard with a T) button.



How to clear formatting:


  1. Click on the  "More" Button.

  2. Highlight the text you want to clear the formatting for and then click on the "Clear Formatting" (eraser) button.



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