Church Websites: Sermons, Audio & Podcasting: How to Convert/Compress an MP3 File

Audio files are often recorded at the quality of what you would get with a CD. This creates a file that is unnecessarily large for web audio. Not only will the files take up more of your hosting storage space, it also creates a longer upload/download time both for you and the individuals downloading the sermons from your website and could make the file too large to upload to your site.

To reduce the file size or convert the audio file to a .mp3, please follow the steps below. Don't worry, converting the file to a lower bitrate will still ensure good audio quality for Sermons (e.g. spoken word, lectures, or anything with little to no music). Creating a sermon .mp3 is not very hard at all. It does have a few technical parts, but this tutorial will help walk you through everything.

This tutorial uses the following website as a free audio conversion tool:


Please Note: Publishing mp3's of church music is almost always illegal. Please go through the proper legal channels to obtain authorization to do so. The following tutorial assumes that you are recording only the spoken word of a sermon or original musical score.


  1. Go to

  2. Scroll down to choose where you are going to upload your audio from. In most cases, you are probably using an audio file saved on your computer, so for that you would just click the "Browse" or "Choose File" button (wording depends on the browser you're using).

  3. Once you've selected your file, go down to the options and use the recommended settings in the image below:

  4. Click Convert file and it will convert the file for you and download the new MP3 copy for you to upload on your website.


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