Church Websites: Sermons, Audio & Podcasting: How to Convert/Compress Audio to a MP3 Using Audacity

If you are using Audacity to record your Sermons, there is no need to use an outside conversion tool to convert your audio files to a mp3.

Just follow these easy steps!


Please Note: We do not offer support for Audacity. This tutorial is meant to be an aid for your convenience to assist you in compressing your mp3's so that you can upload them to your website so they sound great and have no issues. We cannot offer support further than giving you the correct settings for your file sizes. To receive support on this system please be sure to contact Audacity.

  1. Click on the File Tab at the top of your project.


  2. Click on Export Audio.


  3. Click on MP3 Files.



  4. Click on 48 kbps.

  5. Click Save.

  6. This step is optional: If you have not already installed LAME You will need to Click Download. Then follow the instructions laid out on the install page. Once installed you will no longer see this pop-up.


  7. From here you can fill out any of the fields if you would like to. They are not required. When you are done, Click Save.



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