Church Website: Wordpress Menu: How to Create a Password Protected Page

Sometimes, you may want to keep some information a bit more exclusive on your site, such as a staff discussion board, work schedule, etc. Password protecting a page will take care of making things more private for you and whomever you wish to share the password with.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when adding a password to your website.

  • You can choose one password per page, then share that one password with everyone you want to have access. 
  • While it is secure, it is is not recommended to upload confidential documents, such as church directories, on your site as search engines like Google can still bypass password-protected pages to see these.
  • You will only have to enter your password 1 time for every 30 days unless you clear your cookies and cache.


How to create a Password Protected Page:

  1. From the WordPress menu, click on Pages from the left-hand navigation in the WordPress Advanced Admin and select All Pages if you are looking to password-protect an existing page or Add New if you are creating a new page for that purpose. If you are using a Sidekick theme, you will need to first select the Advanced button at the bottom left of your screen to access the WordPress menu.

  2. If choosing an existing one, find and click on the page from the list of pages created that you are wanting to password protect.

  3. Under the Publish menu (usually on the right side of the screen) click on Edit next to Visibility.

  4. Click the button for Password Protected and create a password for your page.

  5. Click OK and then click the Publish or Update button.

  6. Once you have added this password, go back to the front of your site and test to see if the page now asks for the password when you go to it. You will need to log out of your admin to mimic what visitors that do not have admin-level access will see.


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