This tutorial will guide you through the steps to recover information on a page by reverting it back to a previously saved version.
If you are looking to recover an entire page that was deleted please see this tutorial: Restore Deleted Pages or Posts on Your Website.
Sometimes, we make mistakes and delete something we did not intend to. Thankfully, there are ways to recover data that was unintentionally removed or changed. One of these methods is by using the Revisions feature.
*Please be aware that only the most recent 200 revisions for any given item will be stored and retrievable*
Follow the steps below to quickly restore the information on your page:
- Log into your Church Website
From the WordPress Menu, click Pages.If you are using a Sidekick theme, you will need to first select the Advanced button at the bottom left of your screen to access the WordPress menu.
- Click on the page you want to edit.
- At the top right of the page click the Screen Options drop-down.
- Check the Revisions box.
- Scroll down until you see the Revisions section. Click on the revision that you would like to restore.
- From here you can go navigate between revisions. [1] [2] You will only see the code so when you find the one you would like, click on Restore This Revision [3]. If you have clicked the wrong one then repeat the steps until you have restored your desired revision.
- When you are all done click on the Update button.
Alternatively, rather than relying on the revisions system, you can create duplicate pages that will retain the content up to the point of your last save.
If you are utilizing our Sidekick website editor, this article can walk you through how to duplicate any of your pages, Duplicate Page in Sidekick
If you are utilizing the Elementor website editor, this article can walk you through that process, Duplicate Page in Elementor
Please Note: We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox to edit/update your Sharefaith Church Website and Mobile App. If you are experiencing any issues with editing your Sharefaith Church Website or Mobile App, switch to one of these browsers. If the issue still persists or you are experiencing your issue while using one of these browsers contact a Sharefaith Customer Liaison Specialist by creating a new support request. |