Update Sharefaith user email on your church website (Sidekick)

What to do if your website says your Sharefaith user is invalid. If you are getting a notice on your website that your email is not a valid Sharefaith user and you need to update the Sharefaith user email or you are confident that your Sharefaith membership is still current, then follow these simple steps to update your Sharefaith user email on your website.


  1. Login to your website’s advanced dashboard.



  2. Click on the Sharefaith tab on the left-hand side in order to go to the Sharefaith Theme Options page.


  3. Scroll down until you find the Sharefaith user email box and then update the email address to your correct Sharefaith login email address.



  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Check for updates.


    After you have done that, your website should update to the latest theme or say that your Sharefaith theme is up to date.


If you are confident that your Sharefaith user email address on your website is correct and that your Sharefaith membership is still current, but you are still getting the notice that it isn’t valid, there are a couple of things you can try to fix this.

  1. If you have a notice on your advanced dashboard that a WordPress update failed, go to Dashboard Updates and then re-install WordPress. A failed WordPress update will cause the Sharefaith email error to appear, but updating WordPress will fix this.
  2. Make sure that you have ran all of the required updates, including plugin, and theme updates.
  3. Follow the above steps to go to your SF Theme Options page and click Check for update to see if it refreshes things and gets rid of the notice.
  4. Try logging out and logging back in to see if the alert goes away, then.

If the problem still persists, please contact a Sharefaith Member Coach in order to have them look at your site and help get the issue resolved.


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