Sharefaith Websites (Elementor): How to Upload and Delete a Third Party Plugin

While you will already have a host of features available to you through the widgets provided by Elementor, there may be times where you are wanting to add a specific feature that is not provided by this setup. In cases such as this, you do have the option to install additional Wordpress plugins to your site that can add these extra features. You can download these additional plugins directly from Wordpress. As we cannot guarantee that third-party plugins will be compatible with Elementor, it is recommended that you first try to find a compatible widget within Elementor before adding additional plugins. If after this review, you still require an additional plugin, here are the steps for getting that installed.

  1. From your website's dashboard menu, select the Plugins menu option.

  2. From here, click the Add New button.

  3. From the new screen, click the Upload Plugin button.

  4. From here, you will need to select the Choose File button which will open your computer's file finder. From there, you will need to find the zipped folder for the Wordpress plugin that you are wanting to install and have already downloaded from Wordpress.

  5. Once you have selected the desired Wordpress plugin and you can see the filename for that plugin in the installer, just hit the Install Now button.

  6. Once the plugin has finished installing, click the Activate Plugin button.

  7. Once the plugin is installed and activated, you will need to follow the instructions on how to set up and use that particular plugin from that developer's site.



Note: If you have installed a plugin that has caused poor performance or issues with your Sharefaith website, you can remove the plugin by returning to the Plugins menu, selecting the Deactivate option that can be found by the title of the plugin you are wanting to remove and then, once it is deactivated, select the Delete option.



Please Note: This is a tutorial only for use with Elementor Pages/Templates. We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox to edit/update your Sharefaith Church Website and Mobile App. If you are experiencing any issues with editing your Sharefaith Church Website or Mobile App, switch to one of these browsers. If the issue still persists or you are experiencing your issue while using one of these browsers contact a Sharefaith Customer Liaison Specialist by creating a new support request.


Tutorial content above is the property and design of Elementor. Sharefaith does not claim ownership or authorship of this media by providing it in this tutorial.


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