How to Start a Website Demo

Want to take our websites for a test drive before you sign up? With our 14-day website demo, you can do just that. The best part is at any point during the website demo, you can sign up for a full website membership and all the hard work you have done on the demo can be moved over to your new Sharefaith website! 


But first, let's get you set up with a demo

  1. Go to and click on the "Free Trial" button

  2. Then Select the "Demo It Now" button under Church Websites

  3. Now you can choose what template you would like to demo. You can either select a template based using the Elementor website building tool, or a template based on our proprietary Sidekick website building tool. Once you have decided what template you want to use, select the "Try It" button found when hovering over the various template choices.

  4. After selecting the template you want to start with you will see a popup and it will ask you for Your Email Address and Church/Organization Name (optional)Fill these sections out and then click on the "Request a Demo" button.

  5. Now it's time to start building your demo and having some fun! You will receive an email from us with how to log back into your website demo.

  6. To log back into your demo, you can use the links provided in the email you received when starting your demo as described here.


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