Sharefaith Apps: Church App Push Notification FAQs


Q: What is a push notification?


A: A push notification is an alert from your app that notifies users when new content is available this notification is then displayed on the user's phone or as a notification on their computer when the website is open. 


Q: What types of notifications can I send out and what triggers them?


A: There are four types of notifications, which are for: sermons, newsletters, blog posts, and custom push notifications. Whenever you add a new sermon, newsletter, or blog post, a notification is sent to your app users as soon as the new content publishes to the app, which is within an hour from the time it's published to the website. There is a 10-minute delay before notifications are sent for blogs and newsletters, in case you need to make any last minute revisions. Custom push notifications are manually pushed from the App section of your website and are instant, once submitted.


Q: How often can notifications occur?


A: You can send out push notifications as much as you need to. Just exercise restraint as too many notifications can have a "white noise" effect on your members causing them to ignore them.


Q: What can I use custom push notifications for?


A: Custom push notifications open up a lot of possibilities for mass communication with your church members. You can submit words of encouragement, event reminders, prayer requests, schedule changes, or anything else that you want to instantly communicate to your congregation. 


Q: Why can't I see the whole notification on my Android phone?


A: If your device does not display your notification in full, when you select the notification it will bring you to your notification screen so that you can see the whole notification.


Q: How long can a custom push notification be?


A: We recommend that a custom notification not be over 20 words in length. However, if you do go over, do not worry because, even if your device does not display your notification in full, when you select the notification it will bring you to your notification screen so that you can see the whole notification.


Q: What happens if someone activates a notification?


A: When someone slides to open a notification, it will simply launch your app and bring them to the first screen so they can then navigate from there. 


Q: How do I get notifications from the app?


A: When you first launch the app on your device or go to your website on your computer, it will prompt you to allow notifications at that time. If you disable these and wish to enable them at a later time, you will need to do so through your device's notification settings to turn them back on.


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