Sharefaith Designer Graphics Editor: Top Menu FAQ

File: Allows you to select from the following options.

Save to My Account: Saves your design to your account
Download: Downloads your design to your computer. You can choose from either PNG or JPG formats.
Reset: Reverts your design back to its original state before any changes were made.Be careful as this deletes all of the changes made to your design and cannot be reversed

Resize: After you save your design, this will allow you to choose a different format that has all of the changes you have made, so you do not have to start from scratch to share in other formats. 

For instance, if you make a design in the Facebook format, clicking “Resize” will allow you to open a new format, say Twitter, keeping all the changes that you have made in your Facebook format.

You will have to do some minimal adjustments to make it fit the new format.

Open...: This takes you to your “My Designs” area and allows you to open an existing project.


Edit: Allows you to select from the following options.

Undo/Redo: |Crtl+Z| This will undo the last change that you have made.

Step Forward: |Shift+Crtl+Z| Steps you forward if you undo too far.
Step Backward: |Alt+Crtl+Z| This will undo the last change that you have made.

Copy: |Crtl+C| Copies the selected text, item, or layer that you are on.

Paste: |Crtl+V| Pastes the copied text, item or layer.

Transform: Allows you to select from the following options.

Rotate 90° ↻: Allows you to rotate your layer 90° Clockwise (to the left).

Rotate 90° ↺: Allows you to rotate your layer 90° Counterclockwise (to the Right).

Rotate 180°: Allows you to rotate your layer 180°.

Flip Horizontally: This will flip your layer on the vertical axis (think about flipping a see-through paper, left to right, to the other side). 

If you are flipping text, your text will show up as if it is reflected in a mirror. Like this:ƨiʜƚ ɘʞi⅃

Flip Vertically: This will flip your layer on the horizontal axis (think about flipping a see-through paper, top to bottom, to the other side) 
Your text will show up as if it is upside down, reflected in a mirror. Like this:⅂!ʞө ʇµ!ƨ


View: Allows you to select from the following options.

Zoom In: |Crtl++| Zooms in your view for more detailed editing of your design.

Zoom Out: |Crtl+-| Zooms your view out to see a broader look of your design.


Help: Brings you to this FAQ. (but you already know that...)


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