Logging into Sharefaith Services - SuperGuide

Logging in to your Sharefaith services is simple, and this SuperGuide will help you easily access everything you need. From managing your subscriptions on Sharefaith.com to accessing your church's website, Sharefaith Giving, or even the Sharefaith Media Library, we've got you covered. Follow the steps below for each service to quickly and smoothly log in, ensuring you can take full advantage of all the tools and resources available to support your ministry.

Logging into Sharefaith.com

Sharefaith.com is your main hub for managing all Sharefaith services. Here are the key features you can manage and how to log in:



Primary Functions

  • Manage your Sharefaith.com subscription (renew, upgrade, or cancel auto-renewal).
  • Update payment methods and review invoices.
  • Add additional administrators to help manage your subscription.
  • Update account and primary contact information.
  • Download Sharefaith Presenter.
  • Launch up to four church websites and access the login portals of your draft websites (requires Website service).
  • Create and schedule SharefaithKids Teacher accounts (requires SharefaithKids service).
  • Initiate background checks for SharefaithKids Teacher accounts (requires SharefaithKids service).

Log in Steps

  1. Go to Sharefaith.com and click the "Login" button in the top navigation bar.
  2. Enter your email and password.
    • If you need to reset your password, click the "Forgot Password?" link, enter your email, and a password reset link will be emailed to you from "info@sharefaith.com."

Logging into Your Custom Sharefaith Website

Easily access and update your custom Sharefaith websites with just a few steps.


Draft Websites

  1. Sign into Sharefaith.com
  2. Click red "Websites" / "Website & App" panel
  3. Click "Edit Your Website"
  4. Click "✏ Draft Site" button to be brought to draft site login portal
    1. "👁 Draft Site" button will simply navigate you to public URL to view website (not website admin login portal)

Published Websites (Websites Published Under Custom Domain Name)

Add '/login' to the end of your domain name (e.g., https://mychurch.com/login) from your browser, no signing into Sharefaith.com required!

Primary Functions

  • Update your website content.
  • Update website administrators.

Log in Steps

  1. To access the login portal for your Sharefaith website, simply add "/login" to the end of your domain name (e.g., https://mychurch.com/login). The system will redirect you to your login page.

Websites created after 2019 use the Sharefaith.com account holder's login credentials for both Sharefaith.com and website access. Websites created before 2019 may have separate credentials. Even if the email and password match, changes made in one do not automatically apply to the other.

Logging into Sharefaith Giving

Sharefaith Giving allows you to manage online giving and event registration for your ministry.



Primary Functions

  • Create and manage online giving and event registration forms.
  • Run and schedule reports for your Sharefaith Giving transactions.
  • Set up and customize Funds and Goals for your Giving forms.
  • Manage Sharefaith Giving Managers (administrators).
    • Giving Managers are managed only through the Sharefaith Giving portal.

Log in Steps

  1. Go to Sharefaith Giving.
  2. Enter your Sharefaith Giving credentials or click "Login with MinistryID" to use your MinistryID credentials (requires a separate MinistryID account).
    • Sharefaith Giving credentials are separate from those for other Sharefaith services.
    • If you need to reset your password, click "Forgot Password?" and follow the prompts to receive a password reset email.

Logging into Sharefaith Connect

Sharefaith Connect helps you organize and manage your church with a powerful Church Management System (ChMS).


Your Sharefaith Connect account's login URL will vary based on your account configuration:

_______.sharefaithconnect.com (i.e. mychurchsubdomain.sharefaithconnect.com)

Primary Functions

  • Manage your ChMS records, groups, and more.
  • Manage group leaders and account administrators.

Log in Steps

  1. Go to your Sharefaith Connect subdomain URL (e.g., mychurch.sharefaithconnect.com).

Logging into Sharefaith Media Library

The Sharefaith Media Library is your go-to resource for accessing Sharefaith's extensive media collection.



Primary Functions

  • Download Sharefaith Media and SharefaithKids assets.
  • Customize title graphics using Sharefaith Designer.
  • Manage and purchase Sharefaith credits.

Log in Steps

  1. Go to Sharefaith Media Library.
  2. Use the same email and password you use for Sharefaith.com.
    • If you need to reset your password, click "Forgot Password?" and enter your email to receive a reset link.

Logging into Sharefaith.com as a SharefaithKids Teacher Account

Been scheduled to teach a lesson using SharefaithKids materials and looking for where to sign in? We have you covered!



Primary Function

  • Enables teachers who have already been scheduled a lesson by a Sharefaith.com admin using the SharefaithKids Scheduler to sign into ShareFaith.com, view their personal schedule, and download their lesson materials with ease

Log in Steps

  1. Go to Sharefaith.com and click the "Login" button in the top navigation bar.
  2. Enter your email and password.
    • If you need to reset your password, click the "Forgot Password?" link, enter your email, and a password reset link will be emailed to you from "info@sharefaith.com.
    • You can also ask a Sharefaith.com administrator to edit your teacher account and issue a password reset on your behalf if needed.

Logging into Roundcube - Sharefaith Custom Domain Email Hosting (Legacy Service)

Custom domain email hosting is no longer actively offered by Sharefaith. We recommend clients with 501(c)(3) nonprofit status apply for Google Workspace for Nonprofits to ensure they have the best tools available at the price you deserve.


Add "mail." to the beginning of your domain (e.g., https://mail.mychurch.com) or add ":2096" to the end (e.g., https://mychurch.com:2096).

Primary Function

  • Use and manage your Sharefaith-hosted email account.

Log in Steps

  1. To access your Sharefaith-hosted email, add "mail." to the beginning of your domain (e.g., https://mail.mychurch.com) or add ":2096" to the end (e.g., https://mychurch.com:2096").
    • If you need to reset your password, contact your Sharefaith.com primary account owner. They can access "Hosting Settings" > "Email Accounts" to reset your password.


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